Condo and apartment complexes make great nesting places for birds of all sizes. Residents often feed
birds near their units to get a better view of them. What they are actually doing is creating a constant
food source for the birds. Once the birds have established the complex as a great source of food they
will then begin building nests to be near the food. Even if residents do not feed the birds, scavenger
birds, like pigeons and crows are common in complexes due to the garbage cans and presence of
dropped food. Due to the construction of Condo and Apartment complexes, soffits, ledges, and vents
are placed in considerable frequency throughout each building and birds are able to move in.
Small to medium sized birds will often find holes in soffits or siding and make them larger so
that they may nest in wall voids or attic spaces. BirdBusters removes the damaged material and installs
a ¼” steel screen the effectively prevents access to attic spaces. Not only are the birds unable to get
back into the voids, but they are also unable to remove or break through the new stronger screening.
Birds in Vents
Vents - Hood vents or dryer vents are often installed without any screening behind the louvers. Starlings and other birds make quick work of building nests inside these vents. BirdBusters will replace these vents with a cover that has screening built into the vent; effectively preventing birds from accessing ventilation systems.
Bird Netting
Netting – Installing netting under eaves, rafters, or structural beams removes perching or nesting sites
for birds of all sizes. Netting effectively eliminates access to birds by placing a physical barrier between
the bird and the desired nesting or loafing site. Unsightly droppings and debris will no longer be an
Bird Spike
Spikes – When medium sized birds are perching on ledges, spikes make a great physical barrier.BirdBusters carries the highest industry standard all stainless steel spike, so that any job we complete
has a longer warranty and the products will not become brittle and break over time. Spikes also come in
different sizes so that any ledge from narrow to wide can be effectively treated.
Electrified deterrents
Electrified deterrents - Birds that are perching on high visibility ledges may be deterred from landing
using low visibility products. Electrified bird deterrents such as Fly-Bye’s Shockstrip are placed on the
edge of ledges and only sits about ¼” high. This deterrent is highly effective in deterring all species of
birds from landing on surfaces.
Hazardous Bird Droppings
Cleaning - When birds have been nesting in buildings, attic spaces or even just hanging out on the
roof, droppings will accumulate. It is important to have a trained professional that has the appropriate
safety gear and knowledge to clean and properly dispose of the droppings. BirdBusters can also remove
contaminated insulation in attic spaces and replace with clean insulation. This treatment effectively
removes all bird droppings and eliminates bird mites from nesting sites.
Pigeon Trapping
Trapping – When an adequate bird control system is over budget, using live traps to remove the existing
problem is an effective alternate means of bird removal. When complexes only have a small population
of birds, weekly visits can effectively reduce or eliminate the bird population in a cost effective manner.
Woodpecker Solutions
Visual/taste deterrents - Woodpeckers commonly chose to “drum” on the sides of buildings; especially
complexes. Since they are a protected species, options for prevention are limited to non-lethal means
such as visual or taste deterrents. Scare-eye balloons signify danger or predator to birds and are usually
hung in areas where Woodpeckers are drumming. A taste deterrent is also applied to the area as
reinforcement to the visual deterrent. With the combination of the two bird control products, success
rates for Woodpeckers are greatly increased.